09 December 2010

Christmas Lights 2010

Last Saturday we went downtown to see the lights with our family and Bryan and Jenn's family. It was so much fun and the kids loved it! It was raining a little bit, but not too cold, which was wonderful! It was so packed though... In Temple Square I felt like a herd of cows, there were so many people! We got the kids hot chocolate from a street vendor and that was probably the highlight of their night! It definately helped get me in the Christmas mood!

31 October 2010

Halloween 2010

So, I'm a horrible mom and didn't get pictures of my kiddos in their Halloween costumes... BUT, we had a fun night! Brock was a duck hunter (was going to be Elvis, but Brett said the costume didn't 'fit' right, if you know what I mean...),Bridger was a football player (gotta love it that he was able to wear Brock's uniform) and Andi was Rosetta (Tinkerbell's friend). They were all pretty cute!

Brock went to a Halloween party (yes, his first 'party') and came home with about 15 lbs. of candy! He was with a bunch of boys and they had a ton of fun. They called Brett at about 9:30, asking him to come pick them up with the truck so they wouldn't have to walk back to the party...

Bridger and Andi went trick-or-treating with Brett, Charlie, Dillon, Ethan and Avery. They came over for dinner first (we had YUMMY homemade chicken noodle soup!) and then took the kiddos out. It had started to rain a little, so they were only gone for about a half an hour, but they came home with plenty of candy!

I got to stay home, in the warmth, and hand out candy this year. It was fun to see all the kids' costumes, but I hope Alicia and I can take the girls out next year. Then, Brett and Bridger can go for as long as they want!

18 September 2010

Lake Powell, August 2010

Bear Lake, August 2010

OkAy, oKaY...

I know it has been almost a year since I've posted, but I am going to try to be better so that my sister (love you, Paige) can keep up with what is going on in our little family.

We have been so busy this summer and have had a lot of fun. August was the best, but the busiest: Bear Lake, Lake Powell and then football started for Brock. I NEVER imagined how time consuming it would be. It is crazy, but so much fun and Brock is loving it!

We are trying to get a trip planned to visit Nate and Paige in November, so hopefully everything works out and we're able to go. This is their last year there and our boys want to go so bad! I'll get some pics of Bear Lake and Lake Powell posted soon...